Repair, Replacement, and/or Upgrade of Shower Valves

When a shower valve is leaking, sometimes it can be rebuilt to like-new condition without requiring a replacement. When hard water has built up and damaged a valve to the point that it can’t be repaired, replacement is necessary. When a valve is outdated or cannot be repaired, we will replace it. We will also do everything possible to match your existing faucets. If upgraded or updated fixtures are desired, we can do that, as well.



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Shower Faucet Trim

The shower faucet trim kit includes all of the visible elements of the plumbing. These pieces include the faucet, the knob or controls, and the shower head. Upgrading these can be beneficial for a couple of reasons. Cosmetic damage can occur as a result of age, hard water, and other wear and tear. Shower faucet trim can also date a home, making it look tired and old. Because new shower faucet trim includes all the pretty parts, replacing it gives a bathroom a huge cosmetic boost for relatively little cost.